Health and Social Care Committee


Meeting Venue:
Committee Room 1 - Senedd



Meeting date:
12 October 2011


Meeting time:


For further information please contact:

Llinos Dafydd
Committee Clerk

029 2089 8403






Private Session

The Committee resolved, at its meeting on 6 October 2011, to exclude the public from the meeting on 12 October for item 1 under Standing Order 17.42(vi)



1.    Budget scrutiny preparation (09.00 - 10.45)



Public session



2.    Introductions, apologies and substitutions 



3.    Inquiry into the contribution of community pharmacy to health services in Wales - Evidence from Public Health Wales (10.45 - 11.45) (Pages 1 - 15)

HSC(4)-07-11 paper 1

          Anne Hinchliffe, Consultant in Pharmaceutical Public Health

          Nuala Brennan, Consultant in Pharmaceutical Public Health



4.    Papers to note  (Pages 16 - 18)

Letter from the Chair of the Petitions Committee regarding petition P-03-292 Public Toilet Provision

HSC(4)-07-11 paper 2
